Did You Know HATE Is The BAIT For HELL? #repentance #Christ #Hell #bornagain #faith

1 year ago

Hate is the bait for Hell! Jesus is the only Solution. Come to Jesus and be born again: be made spiritually alive in God, by His Spirit, and be saved from sin, self and satan. Get saved from the attitudes that will damn us all without Him! That's right -- it's not just murderers and "horrible people" who take themselves to Hell; even our Hellish attitudes are sins that keep us from Jesus and the freedom He offers us!

Prophetic Words of the Spirit, 1-9-2024 -- excerpt spoken in the video short:

"I speak unto you this day and I say be aware that hate is literally the bait that the enemy uses to cause countless multitudes to end in HELL! Through hatred, fueled by demonic input, people live their whole lives in darkness, bitterness, accusation and misery. They have mounds of hatred built up inside of them and such hatred causes them to be resentful and easily triggered to anger, rage, violence, murder, suicide, and criminal activity.

For the WHOLE Prophetic Word (which is VERY powerful!!!), go here:


If you have NOT given your life to Jesus, or have not been walking uprightly as you should, you need to PRAY and COMMIT yourself to Him.

Prayer for the NEW BELIEVER -- If you have never given your life to Jesus, you need to REPENT (turn from sin!), COMMIT to following Jesus, and PRAY:

Jesus, I need You. I cannot save myself. Please wash me in Your precious Blood that You shed for me. I believe that You are the ONLY Savior, and that You died for me. Please make me born again, a new person, made alive by You in my spirit. Please help me to follow You EVERY DAY, and give control of my whole life to You. Please fill me and Baptize me in Your Holy Spirit. Thank you, Jesus!

PRAYER FOR THE BACKSLID who are listening to or following demons:

Please help me, Jesus, to follow Your Holy Spirit, and not follow demons any more. I beg you to deliver me from demons and demonic oppression. I need You, and I believe ONLY You can help me. I love you, Jesus! Thank you, Jesus!

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