Was Epstein Actually Collecting Influencers Through Blackmail to Support Covid Response Activities?

1 year ago

It’s not inconceivable…he collected influencers as friends, took them to Epstein Island where many allegedly had sex with underaged girls, allegedly video taped these encounters, and for some reason he seemed to run the gambit of business, political, entertainment, and academic circles in terms of who he associated with. This is not normal. Typically bankers hang out with bankers, writers with writers, entertainers with entertainers, etc. but not Epstein…he hung out with them all. And how? He was a nobody 20 years ago. This is a theory that should be considered. I speak of this, based on my knowledge and experience in covert influence operations (while contracted with certain govt Intel agencies). To me this makes the most sense, based on the timing of his capture & murder, based on the lock-stepped, outsized pro-public Health messaging, and based on the pattern of the vaccine propaganda. Have a listen and share your thoughts on this. Full discussion on this and more can be found at dailyclout.io and/or on DailyClout’s “Rumble” channel: https://rumble.com/v45wnol-unrestricted-invasion-ep3s2-sources-alien-invasion-and-alien-invasion.html. Don’t forget, we are live on “Unrestricted Invasion” (our livecast and part of the Dailyclout line up of shows) every Monday and Thursday at 7pm est. https://dailyclout.io/unrestricted-invasion/

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