John Hancock is born on this day in 1737 in Mass, Naples, Fl 2024

1 year ago

More about John Hancock on this day in history. This day in American history, January 12th, 1737 John Hancock was born in Massachusetts. As tensions grew with Britian, he became more and more prominent. He was the first signer of the Declaration of Independence with his famous stylish signature. John Hancock also signed the Articles of Confederation, and used his influence to ensure that Massachusetts ratified the United States Constitution in 1788. My most favorite part about this man is his faith in God through Jesus Christ and how he believed strongly in the sovereign control of God in the affairs of men. He encouraged others to trust God and reminded the other patriots that God would bless them greatly if they trusted completely in God. It is sad that John Hancock only lived to be 56 years old and died October 8th, 1793. By order of acting governor Samuel Adams, the day of Hancock's burial was a state holiday; the lavish funeral was perhaps the grandest given to an American up to that time. Thank you, John Hancock, for your service to us and the USA. Naples, Florida January 12th, 2024 We at the ME Foundation love history because in America, it is about HIS story.

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