The Control System is Collapsing

1 year ago

SGT Report interviews Bix Weir, discussing national and global economic news. 1-11-24
Barack Obama & Michelle Obama are actually Barry Soetoro and Mike Robinson, Barry was adopted by a woman in the FBI, named Lorretta Fuddy, who helped him obtain his fake birth certificate for his role as president. After he studied Constitutional law at Harvard. They wanted him to have complete understanding of our gov't, and the Constution because he was picked to be president and help erode the U.S. Hillary Clinton was picked to be president after Barry, but a group of white hats stopped the theft of that election. Trump was picked to show the American people what was really going on, in regards to the 16 year plan to destroy America. But, the propaganda throughout the media was to powerful, and he had no choice other than to let the American people see the truth for themselves, with the theft of the 2021 election. The agency placed Biden in power, to try and finsh the job. It''s up to EVERY one of the American people to stand together, and root out this tyrannical cabal in power throught the world.
Source: (military intel drops that released information the mainstream media has been actively covering up, throughout the years under "operation mockingbird".

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