UNDERSTAND NUCLEAR WAR NOT HAPPEN [all nukes rendered to useless]

1 year ago

[note] patriots still think nuclear war, irony is you not even survive from that type scenarios so why think fear that type events, also galactics higher dimensions not allow that type population mass murder whats not even people own hope to happen, on new situation ultimately is people own mind how why happen only for person personally only different is fear then is out own control on situation

"“It Was Definitely A UFO That Shut Down Our Missiles” Aliens Stop Nukes? | The Unexplained Files"

"UFO shot down a missile over the Vandenberg AFB!"

"SPEECH from 1970s [ENGLAND TV]"

[video picture] ballistic missile destroyed on kazakhstan by independent light orbs around missile

"Orbs of Light creating a Crop Circle" [in england]


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