GOP Rivals Heat Up as lowa Cools Down

1 year ago

After a surprise announcement shakes up the raceahead of a high-stakes night in lowa, pressure is on forNikki Haley and Ron DeSantis to clinch second place in next week's caucuses.

The Hill's Julia Manchester is in the Hawkeye State,where temperatures are in the mid-20s and more snowis expected later tonight. Most of lowa is under awinter storm warning tonight through Friday.

But that isn't stopping the campaigns and thecandidates from crisscrossing the state today. FloridaGov. Ron DeSantis is holding events in Rock Rapids, LeMars, Ames and Clive. Meanwhile, former U.N.Ambassador Nikki Haley will head to Ankeny and Cedar Rapids.

And while former President Trump is not due back inlowa until Saturday, his campaign surrogates are outand about. Donald Trump Jr. will campaign for hisfather in Urbandale today and Arizona RepublicanSenate candidate Kari Lake will stump for the formerpresident tomorrow night in Pella.

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