Full Documentary - Objective New Timeline of January 6, 2021 Events

8 months ago

From https://open.ink/collections/j6, entitled J6: A True Timeline.
1 hour, 6 minutes, 14 seconds in length.

This truly is objective, legitimately showing there were some (mostly younger) Patriots who did fall into the trap(s) of wrongdoing. But, it also absolutely refutes the false narrative shoved down gullible Americans' throats since the beginning. And many are still pushing those inaccuracies or outright lies.

On Y.T., anyone who posts this or other such TRUTHFUL videos gets a "wikipedia" (wiki-lies) link posted directly beneath them to give the "facts". Why? Because Y.T. is google, & they seem bound and determined to keep all the many false narratives going. So many do fall for it, after all.

I have yet to see a source giving the actual number of people there that day (for the rally and PEACEFUL protest), but I'd wager it was no less than a million, & possibly many more.

So... how many of those many hundreds of thousands made it to the Capitol grounds at all that day? Out of those who did, how many managed to make it into the building itself? Out of those who did, how many actually committed a crime, even a misdemeanor? Out of those, how many committed acts of violence? Out of those, how many weren't Patriots at all, but plants? And finally, how many who did do things, such as smashing in windows, or trying to do so, were booed & stopped in their tracks by the vast majority of true Patriots there only to make their voices heard? I still find it astounding that so many believe, as one officer in this video states, it was "10,000 to one" "rioters" against the Police. More astounding is that, because of the camera angles of the media, an incredible number of people think all attending the rally were "insurrectionist rioters".

There is even more to this entire story than shown here. Many or most who were there (outside) that day didn't know that the Capitol Building had been breached at all. If not watching the news, some didn't even understand what was being said about the obvious set-up until the next day.

But there were plenty who did catch more on their own cameras than what is shown here. I'm sure many are afraid to post their pictures and videos for fear that they would be targeted. Now, especially, since the public's been given notice that the Dept. of Injustice intends to go after everybody who was on the grounds at all. Even if they had no idea that they weren't "supposed" to be there, because somebody made sure the fence with the signs were torn down before they arrived. Before President Trump had finished his speech. I wonder who it really was who tore that fence down, or who breached it, on the West Side particularly.

People have been mocked and vilified for far too long for voicing their opinions, or even for giving facts that go against the narrative. They are told things such as, "I saw it with my own eyes," by people who were not there. No, they saw it from angles and with commentary given by those with an agenda. No matter what evidence comes out and is shown, I suppose many will never give up on their false beliefs. As with so many other things.

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