11 January 2024 - Countrywide Coordinator Training with Anna von Reitz

1 year ago

In this training, Anna reminds us that the live training is for Coordinators. Anyone with basic questions, needs to continue to study the materials found in her many writings, including:

1) The Jural Assembly Handbook: https://annavonreitz.com/documents/juralassemblyhandbook.pdf

2) The American Relief and Remedy Packet: https://www.dropbox.com/s/96xvag5sjhw9hqi/American%20Relief%20and%20Remedy%20Revised.pdf?dl=0

3) The Constitutional Enforcement Seminar: https://mega.nz/file/0wt2iZbL#hLdKWmy_Z50xE2muR68IzdBwbFVzOzCUfHHRn88N_gM

4) The Coordinator Handbook: https://annavonreitz.com/coordinatorshandbookmax.pdf

The Q&A should be focused on the training she provided to us from the prior week, so our next training on 1/18/2024, will be focused on Anna fielding questions you may have from the training we received on 1/4/2024, so please email your questions to Michelle at: michelleford1@me.com, to be addressed by Anna on 1/18/2024.

Thank you so much,

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