IoJ ZOOM With WHO & Jeremy Farrar GPW14 CSO Consultation Protest mRNA, Climate Scam And Censorship

11 months ago

Interest of Justice Spoke To Jeremy Ferrar and the World Health Organization Chief Scientist at the General Programme of Work 14 (GPW14) in Geneva CH on January 12, 2024, (GPW14), 2025–2028 “Advancing health equity and health systems resilience in a turbulent world: a global health agenda for 2025–2028.

IoJ protested the 11.3 Billion dollar funding of the SDG's, emerging technology, mRNA vaccines and viral vector.

Here's the transcript:
Here’s the Speech:

My name is Dustin Bryce from IoJ and the collective action of the Global Science Integrity Task Force and Anti corruption unit

I’d like to say thank you so much for this opportunity to speak here at this CSO’s consultation today and for the GPW working group. we appreciate it for the involvement of CSO’s

I’ll try to make this as quick as possible to allow others,

In the previous meeting we attended on Oct 30, 2023 GPW14, our sister organization free speech association was censored by World Health Organization after posting a video of UN head of communications saying the UN owns the science on climate and works with Google to rig the search results. SDG 13 climate emergency is not scientifically agreed upon and still in dispute.

In order for WHO to meet their obligation of science integrity the WHO must prove and debate the contentious science of climate emergency as well as the SDG 3 which involves the novel gene vaccine science.

We are very concerned that the SDG 3, involving unproven vaccine interventions about the mRNA and Viral vector, are unethical under Nuremberg Code and prohibited for affecting future generations without informed consent. We're callingthe Surgeon General of the State of Florida has issued a global call to action to halt mRNA due to the very real issue of proven DNA integration and WHO has failed to act appropriately by FAILING TO DELIST THE EUL FOR COVID VACCINES.

The WHO should not increase funding to the EUL program because we tried to contact people to delist the EUL yesterday as a matter of fact and the email is broken., there may not be enough staff in regards to this, so there is no way to actually delist the toxic covid vaccines. We cant stop the global breach of obligations to human rights or protect the health and welfare of humanity because the EUL program is not functional and needs assistance.

We are very concerned that WHOs misinformation programs are censoring and silencing dissenting professionals such as our experts that speak out about this crime against humanity of experimentation on the genome. These WHO information management programs are causing global systematic widespread human rights violations and must be stopped not funded.

We’re actually calling on Jeremy Farrar to create a global action and come in to speak to our chief scientists, some of our head chief scientists that we have formed in our collective action that we have created.

WHO's focus must be on the target of funding independent anti corruption actions because WHO refuses…

Would you please conclude?


In conclusion,

We believe an independent monitoring, verification and assessment body at arm’s length or separate from WHO such as our Global Science Integrity Task Force is crucial to success of the international system for pandemic preparedness and response. Being a primary stakeholder in PPR.

We haven't seen any public portal and we think there should at least be a public portal for them to participate in these events.

Thank you so much for the time to speak and sincerely we appreciate to have a voice and free speech.

Thank you…

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