Threshing Floor 107

9 months ago

Why the Russia Russia Russia Hoax? What if it was developed as cover up not only for the surveillance of Trump but to explain the Wikileaks release of Podesta emails as a cybersecurity breach instead of a Seth Rich download? Seth died in July of 2016. The Hoax was developed in August after the tarmac meeting in Phoenix where Loretta Lynch was potentially offered a SC seat. Then Comey set Clinton Free and now they had to use the FAKE cybersecurity breach as Trump collusion while claiming they EDITED those incriminating emails. What if Huber indicted Huma and Podesta in November after the October release of those emails beginning the process of holding them all accountable for treason. Find out how it all points and links to Harvard CIA, Color Revolutions, USAID, Gene Sharp, Harvard University Muslim Alumni, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Joe Biden and the Russian Revolution of 1917. Join Caleb on the Threshing Floor.

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