Fiducia Supplicans Backlash

1 year ago

Francis' declaration, Fiducia Supplicans, which authorizes the blessings of so-called same-sex couples, has received overwhelming backlash from bishop conferences and individual bishops worldwide, including nearly the entire continent of Africa. Some in the know have said that such an uprising has not happened since the Arian crisis. It can be hoped that this is the beginning of of the turnaround for the Catholic Church from the Francis nightmare and a return to the Catholic Church.
Francis and Cardinal Fernandez, the main author of Fiducia Supplicans, and someone with a background pushing sexual perversion, are spinning what Fiducia Supplicans actually says. Just the fact that the blessings involve same sex unions support such unions, even though Francis and Fernandez try to deny it. They are thus approving sodomy. Any person can already get a blessing if they are living in sin but promise to repent and go to Confession. Fiducia Supplicans gives a blessing with no requirement to change behavior. Francis has been on a crusade to essentially diminish sin in the Catholic Church, unless one doesn't believe in harmful "climate change."
It can be hoped that more and more bishops will stand against the evil that is Fiducia Supplicans.

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