#14 Ternary Operators in JAVA | Skyhighes | Lecture 14

11 months ago

Java's Ternary Operators: The Art of Concise Decision-Making

In the realm of Java, ternary operators are the nimble ninjas of conditional expressions. They pack a powerful punch in a compact form, making quick decisions and assigning values based on conditions. Here's how they work:


condition ? expressionIfTrue : expressionIfFalse
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Condition: A boolean expression that evaluates to either true or false.
ExpressionIfTrue: The value assigned to the variable if the condition is true.
ExpressionIfFalse: The value assigned to the variable if the condition is false.

int age = 25;
String message = (age >= 18) ? "You are eligible to vote." : "You are not yet eligible to vote.";
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How it works:

The condition age >= 18 is checked.
If it's true, message is assigned the value "You are eligible to vote."
If it's false, message is assigned the value "You are not yet eligible to vote."
Key Points:

Conciseness: Ternary operators can condense multiple lines of if-else statements into a single expression.
Readability: While concise, they can sometimes reduce readability, especially for complex conditions. Use them judiciously.
Precedence: Ternary operators have lower precedence than most other operators, so use parentheses to clarify the order of operations if needed.
Common Use Cases:

Inline value assignments based on conditions
Shorthand for simple if-else statements
Returning different values from methods based on input
Conditional formatting in output
Remember: Ternary operators are powerful tools, but use them wisely. Overuse can hinder code readability. When in doubt, prioritize clarity over brevity.


For more complex scenarios, consider using traditional if-else statements for better readability and maintainability.

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