Carry On My Wayward Son (Bardcore - Medieval Parody Cover) Originally by Kansas

1 year ago

Good day, welcometh to our musical stage. Heareth our rendition of the famous tune you may have heard in taverns across the globe, Carry On My Wayward Son originally by Kansas, thee drop a liketh & subscribeth for more of our sweet melodies as they are released upon thineselves. We hope to see thee in good stead on the morrow!

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Ye Olde Lyrics

Continueth on, mine errant lad,
Peace shall greet, when thy toils be had.
Lay thine tired brow to slumber,
Let not tears thy vision encumber.

Once, above clamour I did ascend,
Seeking truths, past this world's end.
Higher and higher, did I aspire,
Yet, too close to heaven's fire.

Though mine eyes did perceive,
Blindness still, in me did weave.
And though thoughts in mind did dance,
Madness still held its perchance.
In dreams, the voices do I hear,
Whispering, ever so clear,

Continueth on, mine errant lad,
Peace shall greet, when thy toils be had.
Lay thine tired brow to slumber,
Let not tears thy vision encumber.

In guise of a man with purpose true,
My masque, the talk of each venue.
And if wisdom, I do proclaim,
'Tis but ignorance, by another name.

Upon tempestuous seas of sentiment,
Like a vessel, I'm tossed, without relent.
To fortune's breeze, my path I set,
Yet the voices, their words I shan't forget.

Continueth on, mine errant lad,
Peace shall greet, when thy toils be had.
Lay thine tired brow to slumber,
Shed no tear, let naught thee encumber.

Continueth forth, memories shall not wane,
Press on, for naught equals such gain.
With purpose now, thy soul not hollow,
Heaven's embrace, on the morrow awaits thee to follow.

Continueth on, mine errant lad,
Peace shall greet, when thy toils be had.
Lay thine tired brow to slumber,
Weep not, weep no longer.

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