8 months ago

Ignore the A.I. component of this story for the moment and ask your self why do they need submissions at all? I'm not saying that submissions should be done away with, I'm questioning why it is the only way the people can make their opinions known. Compare their submissions process for marijuana reform, which basically involves people expending vast amounts of time on writing essays that in all probability will never be read, compared to the recent voice referendum. When it came to the referendum, where the government had a definite response they wanted from the people, all you had to do was write the word "yes", and when it looked like the government would fail to get the desired response they shortened that to simply having to tick inside a box. Nobody had to write an essay for the voice referendum. All polling suggests Australians want marijuana reform. It is also clear that as much as Australians want reform Australian governments are diametrically opposed to any reform. The government is ignoring the will of the people, preferring instead to placate big business, our corrupt violent police forces, and sensationalist propaganda outlets such as Sky news.

It seems to me that the reason they are most annoyed by people using A.I. to write submissions is because people have found an effective counter to Government pointless make busy work of submissions. Nobody is using A.I. to write submissions against their own beliefs. People are quickly and efficiently making their feelings known, which is exactly what the government wanted the submissions process to stop.

If anyone uses the word "cooker" in conversation or debate with you run. Do not walk, do not engage them in debate, run. The word cooker is now used exclusively by brainwashed extremist cult members. Hearing someone use the word cooker is like hearing someone shout Allah Akbar. Run.

Also, the word denialist has nothing to do with science, it is a religious term. This guy may be a minister but he is also a cult member, from the way he is speaking highly devout, and very dangerous.

He is not a computer, he is not going to know every fact and figure for every question they throw at him. They are not really covering any new ground here. We know there are hundreds of criminals in detention, we know they are being released into the community, we know that once released many of them are re-offending. What I would like to hear is questions on why plans are not being drawn up to expel the criminals from Australia. Push the prime minister on why he isn't considering such a solution. Make it clear to the prime minister that Australians want them expelled. Question the opposition leader on his party's plans to expel the invaders.

Sky news used to be pro free speech. It is astounding how censorious they have become when requested to do so by Zionists.

Second in offensive behaviour to their support for censorship is their intentional conflating hate speech with incitement to violence. Sky news used to ridicule hate speech and anyone who supported making it a crime. Every-time Sky news says they hate Hammas they are committing a hate crime they claim to stand against.

I reject hate speech as anything other than twaddle invented by twats who want to censor their opponents because they are too incompetent to beat them in open debate.

You may have missed it in the presenter's fervour to support Zionism but if you listen to what the fools want they are asking the Australian government to censor speech in places of worship. It is a stupid thing to ask for and not going to end well.

This is how little I think of hate speech and those who want it regulated: I HATE HATE HATE SKY NEWS, AND I HATE HATE HATE EACH AND EVERY PRESENTER ON SKY NEWS.

Hate speech is part of free speech, and free speech is a human right.

I think everyone here is familiar with the saying: the definition of madness is repeating an action and expecting a different outcome. That is exactly what is happening here, they are once again forcing the masks and poisonous shots that failed on the half a dozen previous variants. Unless and until they lift the ban on the use of ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine there can be little doubt they are not only not serious about treating the ill, but are also intentionally attempting to kill people.

We have the same sort of dickhead politician here in South Australia, carrying out exactly the same agenda, against the clearly expressed will of the South Australian people. I've yet to see the opposition leader's response to this treaty shite. Even if the opposition leader declared an intention to repeal all treasonous so called treaties drawn up by Mussolini Malinauskas, it doesn't seem there will be a change in government any time soon, and even more doubtful if there is a change in government any such promises will be kept.

Here is a question for you, what happened to the previous troops they trained? And here is another question, why isn't anyone in the Australian media asking what happened to the previously trained troops?

It is difficult to accept that they are still wasting tax payers money on this immoral support for war.

We should send all the politicians who supported war in Ukraine to the battle field, never to be allowed to return to Australia.

Most of those art works looked appealing. I didn't hear any mention of an approvals process. It doesn't take much imagination to see that the art work will start as broadly appealing and quickly degenerate to propaganda for the cults plaguing our country. Institute an approval process, now, before things get out of hand.

I don't want anything to do with nuclear energy. I don't want anything to do with the ridiculous submarines being built in South Australia. If I had the money I would be looking for places to move to to get away from the nuclear stupidity.

Any fool should be able to see the problems with the submarines. They are scheduled to take twenty years to construct the first one. I wish I could lay a large wager on a schedule blow out but nobody would take the bet. The damn things are obviously going to be obsolete before they are completed, possibly before construction gets underway. You don't have to be a military genius to know the way air warfare is going and extrapolate that for underwater warfare. Combat in the air is now ruled by drones. The U.S. now has drones that contain, and launch, other drones. Anyone who can't see that in the twenty years it will take to construct the first submarine underwater drones will be developed and come to control underwater warfare is intentionally turning a blind eye.

As to nuclear domestic power, firstly nobody makes it clear that the same fools that got us into our current problems will be running it. The same people who didn't maintain coal and gas power plants, the same people who are demolishing power plants before there are alternatives to replace them, the same people stupid enough to join the climate cult, will be in charge of nuclear power.

Referencing the claims that there is a public demand for nuclear power, possibly they can provide proof of this. However, there was also demand for their climate cult power, and then people started getting ever more expensive power bills, people found out they were planning to build wind farms near them, people found out that they were going to compulsorily purchase their property for solar farms and power lines. Support for climate cult power is diminishing now that people are finding out what it means for them in practical terms. I predict the same thing will happen when people find out what the practical implications of nuclear power means for them. The joys of living next to a nuclear power plant, or nuclear waste dump. Having to watch the Australian "she be right mate" work standard applied to nuclear waste as it is transported around the country. Imagine the information Australians will get about nuclear accidents from the same governments that continues to lie to them about m.R.N.A. gene therapy, refuses to acknowledge injuries and deaths, and also refuses any proper investigations of their own crimes, imagine it and consider how safe a combination of nuclear and an Australian government would be.

Worst of all is the fact that Australia, and South Australia specifically, already has a history with nuclear. A history that goes beyond awful to outright nightmare fuel. The Australian government allowed the British military to test it's nuclear weapons in South Australia. As part of those tests Australian soldiers were used as unwilling test subjects. The cowardly British officers hid in bunkers while Australian troops were ordered out into the open during nuclear explosions. The British then monitored the resulting injuries. After the tests the government denied treatment and compensation for the Australian troops for many decades. Also, during the course of the tests a supposedly unintentional, but entirely predictable, cloud of radio active dust covered the city of Adelaide. When made aware of this the Australian government sealed records of the fact for 50 years. History clearly shows the Australian government is incapable of responsibly handling any nuclear technology.

I'm sure other people do support nuclear, I personally want to be as far away from it as possible.

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