Watch New Zealand's youngest MP in 170 years deliver her maiden speech

1 year ago

We followed New Zealand’s youngest MP in 170 years as she delivered her maiden speech in Parliament. Subscribe to Re:
At just 21 years old, Hana-Rawhiti Maipi-Clarke, of Te Pāti Māori, is the MP for Hauraki Waikato.

She talks about whānau, what it’s like being in Parliament, and being authentically unapologetically Māori.

She’s passionate about māra kai (food sovereignty), tātai arorangi (Māori astronomy), and maramataka Māori (the Māori lunar cycle).

“I don't want praise, I want people to keep me accountable, I want people to give me constructive criticism cause that’s how I’ll grow,” she says.

“We are here, we are sailing, we are navigating just like our ancestors once did.”
Re: makes videos, articles and podcasts about the things that matter to young people in Aotearoa.

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