Chinese President Xi Jinping Has Intensified His Anti-Corruption War in the Army

8 months ago

01/07/2024 US Intelligence reveals that Chinese President Xi Jinping has intensified his anti-corruption war in the army after grave corruption has obstructed his drive of military modernization. The US assessment cited some examples of corruption in the CCP’s army, such as missiles being filled with water, not fuel, and missile silos found with defunct lids in western China. The Chinese military pledged in a January 1st editorial to wage a war on corruption this year, suggesting that more removals could happen in the near future.
01/07/2024 美国情报部门揭示中共国主席习近平因军中腐败问题破坏了其军事现代化的努力而加大了反腐力度。美评估报告引用了一些中共军队腐败的案例,例如,导弹里装的是水而不是燃料,以及中国西部地区导弹发射井井盖缺陷等。中共军方在1月1日的社论中称今年要开展反腐战争,那意味着在不久的将来将会有更多官员会被免职。

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