Howard Phillips - Conservative Roundtable #258: Pat Buchanan's 2000 Presidential Campaign (June 2001)

1 year ago

"Bay Buchanan, sister of Pat Buchanan, discusses Pat's 2000 independent presidential race on the Reform Party. They discuss the unfair 2-party-only debates, if it is possible to bring the GOP back to conservative principles, how to stop Republican betrayals on many issues. Bay observes that Ronald Reagan could not today get the Republican nomination due to establishment control. You'll find this show as timely today as when it was taped, and in fact Bay predicts the loss of the GOP House. She also introduces people to Pat's organization, the American Cause:

This is a classic edition of Conservative Roundtable from 2001, the nationally broadcast conservative television program hosted by Howard Phillips, and produced by The Conservative Caucus. Please visit our website:"

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* TCCTV. "Pat Buchanan's 2000 Presidential Campaign"., 20 Feb. 2008. <>

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