Mordekaiser - second worst rework in League

1 year ago

A stupid halfwit guy expressing his dissatisfaction with one of his favorite champions in league of legends - Mordekaiser, while using excessive amount of old memes and trashy jokes that nobody understands.

00:00 Mordekaiser sux.
04:21 My dumb idiot rework idea.
04:33 Q
07:51 W
10:28 E
11:38 His Ultimate suck some GIGA A$$$.
14:11 R
21:08 TLDR everything above.
23:10 Some more memes.

Dono if you're into that kind of bs.
If not - pretend that I didnt said anything 🐷👌 - PayPal

Stream -

Same trash but on YT

Good day and Iron stands eternal, my revenants.

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