Do I Really Need Supplements As A Man Over 40?

1 year ago

Dietary supplements as we age might not be at the top of your mind but is incredibly important. As men cross the threshold of 40, their bodies undergo significant changes, with nutrient absorption being one of the key areas affected. This isn't just about aging; it's also about how these changes can affect your overall health.

You're going to find out about some common deficiencies observed in men over this age. Factors like reduced stomach acid can make it harder for your body to absorb nutrients like B12, affecting energy levels and cognitive function. Likewise, changes in bone density call for a closer look at calcium and vitamin D intake.

This shift isn't solely due to natural changes in your body. Diet, exercise, the amount of stress you juggle, and exposure to toxins all play their roles. It's why getting personalized advice from healthcare professionals is crucial. They can help tailor a supplement plan that's right for you, considering all these variables.

Before considering supplementation, it's essential to understand which nutrients you might be lacking and seek a healthcare professional to evaluate your needs based on your assessment. Armed with this knowledge, you'll transition smoothly into exploring the specific supplements to consider after 40, ensuring you make informed decisions that support your health.

For more in depth articles on aging solutions, check out

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In addition, I am not a medical professional. The ideas presented in this video are for entertainment purposes only. Please do your own due diligence and seek medical advice from a trained and licensed professional before starting any new regimen, diet, supplements, or programs.

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