
11 months ago

So happy I get to show a bit of my side of the story,
Like I said I’m an activist, an activist for life and the pursuit of happiness.
I’ve been recording protests, being part of them, expressing myself which I thought it was my god given right.
Only on this protest have I ever been persecuted, deemed as dangerous, when all I am is a responsible father trying to take care of my kids future.
I love my country, the one they thought me in school defeated the greatest tyranny and stablished the best land to live in.
Where if you were brave and worked hard you were able to make your dreams come true.
Not this banana republic where we are.
I’m not the monster they label me as, I need help to defend myself against this tyrant.
I’m a legal migrant trying to defend my rights and duty as a defender of foreign and domestic threats.
Thank you for not turning me in and allowing me to fight for my life.
Best wisheS!!

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