Inhaled ethanol may treat respiratory infections and stop pandemics Show 1136 MAY 2023

11 months ago

The scientists think that the ethanol vapor must increase ethanol concentrations in the fluid to 20% to successfully treat the infection. This concentration is not toxic to lung cells the scientists created in the lab to mimic human cells. At body temperature, 20% ethanol can not only inactivate the influenza A virus outside of the cells in one minute, but also stop the virus from replicating inside these cells.

#influenza #ethanol #virus

Tamai, M., Taba, S., Mise, T., Yamashita, M., Ishikawa, H., & Shintake, T. Effect of Ethanol Vapor Inhalation Treatment on Lethal Respiratory Viral Infection With Influenza A. The Journal of Infectious Diseases.

Influenza A virus, ethanol, Influenza , Avian Flu, Sars COV 2, coronavirus, inhalation, enveloped virus, etoh vapor, progeny virus, respiratory infections, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2

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