TheDimStream LIVE! Dungeons & Dragons 1-4 (2000, 2005, 2012, 2023)

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Join Alex and me for a live stream, tonight at 9 ET! Chatting about "City Lights" and "The Thin Man."


thrasybulus Here I thought I was late.

Guyinroom83 My first time seeing the stream begin ever! I think
thrasybulus Why does the preview make me over a minute and a half behind the stream?

Guyinroom83 Yep.. always come in late. ( To seem cool and busy)

JQuickDraw Supporter I am here, for what it's worth 🙂
thrasybulus If you have the loop playing it ends a minute and a half into the stream.

JQuickDraw Supporter Fantasy football makes me think they're using swords and casting spells on the field.

JQuickDraw Supporter @thrasybulus Rumble is still a work in progress at this point.

Guyinroom83 lol

JQuickDraw Supporter Okay, you have to start posting that image everywhere on the net without any explanation.

Guyinroom83 olde english ?
thrasybulus Seriously though, D+D is some sort of board game isn't it? I just tune out when the @TheDimOne talks about it.

Guyinroom83 the geese are Erl's game
thrasybulus Best way to screw with someone is to reverse the mouse settings on their computer. My buddy is left handed and his boss would occasionally use his computer and hilarty ensued when boss used the mouse.

Guyinroom83 ha, that's a good prank

RonGreen1 I like to turn someone's desk around, and then arrange their stuff back like it was. They sit down and then realize the desk is backwards.🤣 Yeah, I'm that guy.

Guyinroom83 wow, very Jim from the office
thrasybulus Wasn't a prank. Boss would just occasionally be at his station and want to show him something.

Guyinroom83 erl HATES mlk day (racism)
thrasybulus Just jumps into 1:30 in.

Guyinroom83 i put an entire desk in jello

Guyinroom83 and sometimes i include the person in the jello

JQuickDraw Supporter D&D is a gateway to satanism. I read that in a Chick tract.

Guyinroom83 you know who the real satan worshippers are? left handed people

Guyinroom83 PLUS he's ginger too. watch out

JQuickDraw Supporter My desktop is tricked out with a 14.4 baud modem and a jazz drive.
thrasybulus It's like a board game right? Being serious. Don't actually care enough to listen to "how you're wrong".

JQuickDraw Supporter D&D is the OG RPG game, role playing characters that you create. There's a game master who runs the game, or campaign, and tells the story.

Guyinroom83 so THATS what the guns are for

Guyinroom83 wow... NOOB much?

Guyinroom83 if youve seen stranger things you seen the game

Guyinroom83 you've..

JQuickDraw Supporter FYI D&D stands for Dungeons and Dragons.

Guyinroom83 how long do your DnD games last?

Guyinroom83 longer than monopoly?

JQuickDraw Supporter You should have watched the Tom Hanks 1980s cautionary movie Mazes and Monsters for tonight. Oh well.
thrasybulus What part of 'don't care enough' did you all not understand?

JQuickDraw Supporter "Enough"
thrasybulus A left handed ginger is a sinister, soulless being.

Guyinroom83 left handed ginger - new DND character type

JQuickDraw Supporter I have a huge collection of RPG games, including some obscure ones from the 70s. I've played the Marvel heroes RPG and D&D the most.

JQuickDraw Supporter We played Marvel when it was like a normal RPG system with dice and stats. You could pick an existing hero, then level up from there.
thrasybulus Rocket Propelled Grenade - the real RPG.

JQuickDraw Supporter Really Pretty Girls

Guyinroom83 Radical Psycho Group
thrasybulus Welcome to tech support live. Sorry the stream is mistitled.
thrasybulus Writing is part of the budget.

Guyinroom83 Maybe that's why I thought it was 90s
thrasybulus @BigDigEnergy intro has started. Night.

wesley1924 Supporter+ hi

Guyinroom83 Yo, wut da fuck kinda white people shit dis be? Like damn FR. dragons n shit hell naw

wesley1924 Supporter+ Dayum!

Guyinroom83 scotus always makes me think of scrotum.

Guyinroom83 and then she was gone girl

Guyinroom83 lol, what book is this

Guyinroom83 wow agatha christie was edgier than I thought

Guyinroom83 did they say that for the 'ten little indians' children song originally?

Guyinroom83 ok, looks like they did...


Guyinroom83 my racism knowledge is now increased thanks to the dimside.

Guyinroom83 definitely don't click on and view this image, btw.

JQuickDraw Supporter Don't look up HP Lovecraft's cat lol.

Guyinroom83 that was good ol' 1869 for ya

Guyinroom83 most female characters in movies now are just frowning and angry the whole time. it's like a woke archetype

JQuickDraw Supporter And definitely don't google "1992 science fiction movie."

Guyinroom83 @JQuick dare you to get a cat and name it that, and just play it off nonchalantly

Guyinroom83 @JQuick 😂 i may have to watch that 'science fiction movie'

Guyinroom83 genuinely LOL'd at that

JQuickDraw Supporter @Guyinroom83 I would consider naming it "Lovecraft" just to see if people make the connection. Kinda like a covert literary test.

JQuickDraw Supporter There is a transition period with most couples when the children leave the house. The relationship has to change at that point, as the main focus - raising the kids - is now over.

Guyinroom83 my relationship has its ups and downs. sometimes he beats me and threatens my life.. sometimes he's ok!

Guyinroom83 If you ever wanna hear the worst relationship ever, and even worse father in law look up the Josh Powell/Susan Powell case

Guyinroom83 Sometimes I wonder if characters are written really woke, but then the actor makes it better by making different choices

Guyinroom83 👋 👋

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