Fear Causes Disease: How to be Fearless

1 year ago

LIVE FEARLESSLY! There are no guarantees in life, in reality we don't have control of much and things can change in a heartbeat, so living in fear and exposing yourself to people and other influencers who help perpetuate fear is detrimental on many levels. I believe we must break this cycle and start embracing a better path of existence as the course many are on leads off a cliff that could be avoided.

Living in fear can lead to disease and shorten your lifespan. Many studies have proven that fear is a significant causative factor for disease development. In fact some studies show it is a major contributor to at least 95% of them.

Here I share roadblocks you can overcome to avoid living in a perpetual state of fear that life can create, and those stressors caused by many negative influences that can be avoided. Such as negative people and the fear mongering of mainstream media, politics, doctors, the medical industrial complex, and those who want us to be in a constant state of crisis to ensure our compliance. This also distracts us from our purpose, having fun, creativity, our ability to focus on our blessings, and enjoy the simple things that enhance health.

Surround yourself with those who support you achieving your goals and purpose, turn off the blue screens, get outside and connect with nature, and carve out time for self nurturing everyday for yourself. Of course, make sure you are also getting the nutrients needed to support your efforts.

Be well!

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