Interview 646 with Iron Shaman

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Iron Shaman, a Munay Ki Medicine Man is widely known by master energy healers as an actual Lightbody Activated being 'Blue Ray Soul' a transmuter of many levels of energy frequency healing. Iron's life involved many near death experiences and since a small child his extraordinary abilities were shut down mostly by many severe traumas. He was in a coma and unable to speak and hardly walk for 10 months, many losses of all loved ones near to him murdered, way too many hardships and homelessness.
Since a small child, the dimensions of supernatural entities and being visited by light beings throughout his life. In fact, all people around him for a time will witness UFO's, orbs, portals, deja vus and mandela effects as becoming normal and abilities of telekinesis and more. On July 9th, 2020 at the time turning 44 years old, Iron left his body and was reborn with a full blown Cosmic Soul Awakening and multidimensional abilities really came online.
Iron Shaman is a former U.S. Marine Corps Infantry Rifleman that was taken in 1995 while serving active duty; as well as; taken as a small child against his will being traumatized and experimented on in secret government projects.
Through the creation of Lightbody Activation Iron Shaman QiGong Healing, an unparalleled holistic approach that merges mending the past and healing the future doing special soul retrievals and past life regressions using subtle energy, frequency, quantum physics, visualization, breathwork, intention, alchemy and a whole lot more. Iron Shaman has become a catalyst for transformation on physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual planes. His groundbreaking techniques have gained worldwide recognition by many lightworkers and starseeds since its inception in 2020
With awe-inspiring results of Lightbody Activations, he has witnessed many physical ailments dissipate, emotional wounds mend, and spiritual growth flourish not just for him but for all who experienced his green aura glow. Iron is one with the force providing a space of great transformation of human experience in the age of Aquarius and Planet Earth.

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