South Africa bring INSANELY powerful case against Israel at the Hague!

1 year ago

Israel's first day in the Hague saw them have to listen to the charges against them from South Africa and it was really something!
Right, so this morning Israel’s genocide case began in the Hague, with the testimony from South Africa today, Israel have their turn to defend themselves tomorrow.
There should be no underestimating how big an event this is, how huge a court case this is, making it all the more risible that so many media outlets, from the BBC, to Sky to CNN and ABC are downplaying it, so much so they haven’t even opted to televise any of it, though it remains to be seen if they do tomorrow when it is Israel’s turn. Thankfully the International Court of Justice were streaming it, an Al Jazeera showed it in full as well, so people can get around mainstream ignorance. It’s also a huge case because, this is the Hague. To even be taken to the Hague in this day and age is huge, if there’s no case to answer, things don’t escalate to the international stage and if the mass media think they can just cover bits of what happens tomorrow and downplay the events of today they are sorely mistaken, because the team of lawyers South Africa assembled, who took turns in speaking on various aspects of the case in a 3 hour long hearing came prepared and when the opening statement came, claiming Israel had no defence against accusations of genocidal intent and frankly Western media and western politicians are on trial here too, because should South Africa prevail and the case they laid out was forensic and devastating in equal measure, it is going to reflect horribly back on them, especially here in the UK with a General Election coming up – who wants to vote for a genocide enabler?
Right, so South Africa began the two day proceedings at the International Court of Justice at the Hague this morning, it will continue tomorrow when Israel have their say, mount their defence, whatever form it takes. Many of us expect it to be full of excuses, but if that is the case, following on from the judicial masterclass South Africa’s representatives put on today, they’ll be in significant bother.
3 hours is a lot to condense into a not overly long video, I’ve focussed on key moments as much as possible, the bits that stood out most for me and even then, it’s hard to whittle this down, because the testimonies given were as compelling and damning as they were horrifying to hear and see in the footage they used, though they went to great pains to avoid using the most graphic video clips they could easily have used, because they want the facts to speak for themselves, not be lost amongst imagery which is too easily fixed upon and all people remember.
As I said a moment ago, there’s a team of lawyers involved, they all took different aspects of what it takes to prove genocide to discuss, but certain elements definitely stood out and the first lawyer to speak, Adila Hassim, set out the genocidal acts Israel have committed, this is where South Africa started at, get the atrocities out there.

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