The Controversial 4% Rule - George Kamel Gives 8% Answers - Ep. #56

1 year ago

This episode is all about controversies. The last one is an 8% answer from Ramsey Solutions that will shock you!

00:00 - Roadmap/Intro
00:57 - Dress to Divide!
07:16 - Right Into the RISK ZONE
20:52 - George Kamel Claims MALICE!

Today's story is a throwback to THE dress of 2015. Was it blue/black or white/gold? This dress broke the internet with division. This isn't the only divisive dress. Jay has remembers another, but he needs your help to track down the source.

The main topic shows how the "Risk Zone" of retirement can help us change our fate. Jay's graphs will help you visualize the retirement risk zone so you can prepare for your HopeFilled financial future. The visual also helps us understand why the 4% rule is tied to such passionate yet divided opinions. How can you tell if your retirement strategy is on track in a volatile world? Jay's risk zone research can help you answer that very question.

The risk zone directly relates to the official answer from Ramsey Solutions over the 8% withdrawal rate controversy. As a bonus section to this episode, Jay reacts to George Kamel's recent appearance on The Iced Coffee Hour. George answers if 8% is a viable withdrawal strategy. He also calls Jay out...

"George Kamel on Dave Ramsey" on The Iced Coffee Hour Clips:

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Music: "Take Me Higher" by Jahzzar

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