My Heart Is Filled With Thankfulness(Creation)

1 year ago

The Loud Cry presents Maleah McCain, along with other singers and musicians, singing "My Heart Is Filled With Thankfulness" from The Pinnacle Of Prophecy series presented by Amazing Facts. The music video directed by The Loud Cry includes excerpts from "AFRICA" by Henry Stober from ClashOfMinds.

The full AFRICA documentary can be found here: or here:

To find out more about the above mentioned series visit

Music is shared to inspire and to draw the listener to God in these days of wars and rumours of war. Our Blessed Hope can only be found in Jesus - may you come to know Him more.

With thanks to Amazing Facts & ClashOfMinds for permitting the redistribution of this material via The Loud Cry on rumble and via The Loud Cry on YouTube.

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