Fairfield County Commissioners | Full Meeting | January 9, 2024

1 year ago

#RogueMediaReports #FairfieldCounty #CommissionersMeeting #PublicComments #VoxPopuli
The full meeting of the Fairfield County Commissioners' weekly meeting for January 9, 2024. This week's meeting is the first public meeting of the year, but there was a reorganization meeting the day before on January 8, 2024.

The meeting began with representative for Collins Road Properties, Joshua Grossman introducing and explaining a resolution to approve land use restriction agreement amendments tied to the issuance of municipal bonds from 2006.

Public Comments began at 3:55 with Richland Township Trustee, Scott Baker letting the commissioners know the Richland Township Board of Trustees has made a resolution to prohibit industrial solar within their jurisdiction.

Next, Jeff Williamson of Greenfield Township again spoke about an email he sent to the commissioners regarding the resolution by the township to make it an exclusionary zone for industrial solar development and what the status of that resolution is before the commissioners.

Industrial Solar opponent Sherry Pymer of Walnut Township spoke about the Birch Solar case being heard before the Ohio Supreme Court urging the commissioners not to wait on the ruling before making a decision on prohibiting industrial solar due to time constraints. https://citizensforfairfields.org/

Next, a scheduled hearing for Violet Township New Community Authority was commenced within this meeting, but there were no proponent or opponent testimonies given.

The remainder of the meeting were items related to the regular County Administrative Update(s) and the commission's "voting pattern" with a large number of resolutions due to year beginning.

Agenda Links:

This is a recording off a public access Microsoft TEAMS Meeting. This will be an on-going series whenever possible to capture the regular meetings.

More information about the County Commissioners' meetings can be found at https://www.co.fairfield.oh.us/COMMISH/. We also encourage more online and most importantly, in-person participation. The meetings occur most Tuesday mornings at 9:00a at 210 E. Main Street, Third Floor, Lancaster, OH 43130.

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