Ep. 27 - LA Marzulli Aliens & The Coming Great Deception. The World Will Never Be The Same!

1 year ago

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What a fascinating discussion with our new friend LA Marzulli!
This is a wild one folks so buckle up! LA is in my opinion a leading expert on the #Alien / #UFO phenomenon but from a Biblical / Christian perspective. It's basically impossible to ignore the reality of aliens or #dermons or #angels or whatever you want to call them. These entities have been able to #manifest in our world and it's time we as #christians engage these topics form a biblical perspective.
In this video we discuss a few relevant topics such as what are the beings appearing, are they demonic and spiritual or are they biological entities like #thegreys? Secondly we watch some videos from #Joerogan and Ryan #bledso where we ask the question if these beings appearing t day are the same entities which have appeared in the past as the gods of old. Finally, we also discuss how this #phenomenon is being manipulated into and turned into a #spiritual experience for those encountering the entities. However the spiritual experience is not one thats being interpreted through a biblical context, the phenomenon is being coerced by the #newage movement. People like #stevengreer and the and others are now using traditionally pagan and #occult worship methods to conjure and communicate with these bings. In the past practitioners use to call these entities #spirits and demons, today they are calling them aliens and sprit guides.

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