On Social Justice (Saint Basil the Great)

9 months ago

Saint Basil on the story of Christ and the Rich Young Man. And of why expelling migrants from our country fulfils Christ's command to love our neighbor.

The written version of this review can be found here: https://theworthyhouse.com/2024/01/11/on-social-justice-saint-basil-the-great/

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"one of us likes to be told to change his life. No doubt this was true for cavemen, and it is even more true today, when unfettered individual autonomy is the idol of the age. But for each and every person, Christianity means you must change your life. No exceptions, and the change demanded is very specific across multiple axes, not the vague requests found in heresies such as Moralistic Therapeutic Deism. In modernity, where money is the marker of all things and consumption the goal of life, few demands of Christianity are harder than that of extreme charity—the distribution to others of personal wealth. Nonetheless, Saint Basil the Great is here to tell us what we are to do with our riches; let us be attentive." . . .

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