Latest Links January 11 2024 Flu Treatments with Ginger and Lemon, Inner Earth

1 year ago

video by Liliana Usvat

1. Ginger Lemon Tea for Flu Treatment
2 l of water
Granted ginger
Grated lemon peel

2. Dacian Alphabet

3. Inner Earth Cities and Transportation Devices
Source: "Inside The Earth the Second Tunnel" by Radu Cinamar

Few people believe or know about the existence of the Inner cities because of disability of the science that does not understand reality as it should.

The basis if their technology is completely different from ours.
The technology that is used for transportation is based on different physics. It is a force that distorts space and time.

4. Free Search Engine Submission

5. Survival Methods -Water

Without water, a person will dehydrate and start to die in about 3 days.

The first step to survival in hard times is to inventory your water into two categories
1. Drinking water.
2. All other water
6. Wireless Patented Technology

1. Impossible Sculptures and Petrified Story of the 19th Century
• good sculptures around the world
• Mudfosil university explanations
• story of a 19th-century young woman who got petrified
2. Bucegi Mountains Romania Inside the Earth Holographic Chambers Pyramids Tunels Ancient Technology
• 2003 discovery of a chamber inside the Bucegi Mountains
• holographic technology inside the chamber and interesting lightings of the cave
• pictures of the chambers inside the Bucegi Mountains, pyramids and tunnels to Giza Plateau Tibeth and Inner Earth.

3. The Tunnel at the Niagara Falls Power Station Ontario Canada and Possible Star Fort Ruins
• the Tunnel Niagara Falls
• View the Canadian Side and the US Side
• strange rectangular stones possibly ancient star fort


Energy Project - Orgone Energy, Ancient Machines, Stone Circles of South Africa an ancient energy grid? Vimanas, Pyramids, The Unfinished Obelisk and Advanced Ancient Technology with pictures, Star Forts, Technology embedded in the Architecture of the last century, Telsa, Cathedrals and Free Energy of the Past, UFO Awareness, Fache in Architecture and as Plasma Generators, Wireless Electricity, Labyrints in Churches and Electrical Circuits,

Forgotten Knowledge - Anunnaki, Ancient History and Human Abilities Restoration, Extremely ancient history from unconventional sources, History of Anunnaki, Anunnaki sculptures at Metropolitan Museum of New York, Enki Enlil in the cuneiform writings, Atlantis, Summer Babylon, North and South America in History Quezoquatl and Calendars, Writing in Mesoamerica, Significant Books, Ancient Teachings and Knowledge, Benefits of activating the third eye, Ley Lines, Free Energy, Portals, Invisible Energies and Forces, Learning versus Powers, Science of Imagery.

Travel Destinations - Egypt, The Great Pyramid, the Sphinx, Valey of the Kings, Dendera Lights, Djed, Kemeth Science and spirituality, Nubian History, Virgin Mary in Egypt, The Wisdom of Ancient Egypt The Seven Universal Laws, The Book of Caverns, Star Gates and Tuthankamon Chair connection.

Valiant Thor Teachings The subjects of this course include information about the origin of Man, Lemuria, Mount Shasta, Inner Earth, Underground Civilizations, The Subterranean Cities, Arcane Teachings, Ancient Masters, Teachings of the Five-pointed star of Life, The Seven Bodies, Vril Force, Self Treatments, Cures of Ilnesses, Fasting and the Law of Rejuvenation, Self Protection Exercise


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