Freedom and Responsibility | Free Essay Sample

1 year ago

Freedom and responsibility play a crucial part in determining our decisions in life. As a human being, it is hard to make a decision because of the uncertainty of the outcome, but it is definitely essential for human being to understand clearly the concept and connection between freedom and responsibility to recognize the existence of human being and it is only by the process of existence that somebody realizes or defines himself.

Original essay:

Paper Type: Essay
Subjects: Philosophy, Freedom Philosophy
Pages: 5
Language: English US
Words: 1549
Topics: Freedom

Works Cited:
Cooper, John. Plato: The Trial and Death of Socrates. Indianapolis: Hackett, 2000. Print.
Descartes, René. Meditations on First Philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press, 2008. Print.
Sartre, Jean-Paul. Existentialism and Human Emotions: Selections from Being and Nothingness. New York: Citadel, 1957. Print.
Thoreau, Henry. Walden; Or, Life in the Woods. New York: Sterling Publishing Company, 2009. Print.

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