Kambo - Amazon Tribe Medicine | Christel Thimont

1 year ago

An Amazon tribe medicine called Kambo helped get Christel Thimont get health back after years of trying traditional Western medicine. She is now a Kambo practitioner.

Kambo is a traditional Amazonian Indian ceremony that has been adapted to modern medicine. It uses the naturally occurring secretion of the Giant Green Monkey Frog, and has the rare distinction of being promoted as both a scientific medicine as well as an alternative therapy medicine for the body and soul. The active substances within Kambo medicine are bio-active peptides, known for their anti-inflammatory abilities, boost to the immune system, as well as their positive psycho-active properties.

The term can simultaneously refer to several related elements:

The Giant Green Monkey Tree frog
The toxic secretions the frog
The medicinal properties derived of those secretions
The traditional ceremony where this Kambo is applied to openings in the skin
Christel’s real healing journey started during an Ayahuasca retreat in Brazil a few years ago where she discovered the amazing power of such plant medicines. She is passionate and committed to healing herself and others, empowering them with their own healing journey.

Christel is now an Advanced Kambo Practitioner who first trained with the IAKP in 2020. She has since helped many people heal.

Christel Wellness: https://christelwellness.com/en_gb/
Christel Kambo https://christelwellness.com/en_gb/kambo/#kambo_home

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