The Infinite World of Self-Contained Light 🌞

1 year ago

There is a world of light where all beings realized within are made of light. It is where we came from before we were born on this planet and where we will return to after we die. It is called heaven and it is a part of each and every one of us.

When we observe images in this world, we see light reflected off of objects and received through our eyes. We receive two images and, with our minds, merge the images into one until we perceive them as a three dimensional representation of our reality.

We concentrate so intensely on the images entering our eyes that we ignore the vast area of darkness which surrounds the three dimensional image.

If we roll our eyes upward and then to the left, downward and then to the right we can see, at the periphery, the edge of that area of darkness. This is our area of infinite space, where the rest of our true self resides. It is within this area that we behold the images of our eternal being and the infinite world of self-contained light.

Once we've experienced the infinite world of light, we realize that this vast part of our being is our eternal soul. It only appears void, dark and nonexistent because we have
not perceived the true nature of it's existence. Instead of black nothingness, it is filled with an infinite joyful playground of self-contained light.


As three dimensional human beings we live in and have the awareness of the world of shadows.

The awareness of heaven manifests in an infinite two dimensional plane of beautiful multi-colored self-contained life forms of magnificent, brilliant light, all joined by the shared experience of the Creator's eternal being.

Unlike the three dimensional world we are currently aware of, in which life forms are separated by space and time, heaven unfolds in all directions, at once, for eternity.

Each soul in heaven has a center and realizes the Creator's limitless presence in totality as existence radiates from within the being itself. The experience of heaven's joy and bliss exceed anything one can imagine within the confines of a three dimensional planetary awareness. One is light itself and the rapture and ecstasy come from being part of an infinite world of total illumination.

If one tries, one can remember the world of light from one's prior existence in heaven and when one finally sheds the corporal body at physical death, the memory of that experience surfaces and the fulfillment of returning to one's heavenly abode is realized.

The will of the Creator is to awaken all human beings to experience the world of light while still living in the world of shadows, prior to physical death, allowing them to finally realize their own infinite nature.

In addition to the infinite three-dimensional world of shadows and the infinite two-dimensional world of light, there is a third awareness which often goes unnoticed; it is the infinite one-dimensional realm of existence (or the soul) the nature of which is absolute stillness. It is the infinite setting in which the other dimensions exist. It encompasses the three-dimensional world of shadows and is also present in the two-dimensional world of light and creates the center of awareness in which the ultimate joy and ecstasy of our heavenly paradise is realized.


Shalom Om Shanti Shinto Kami Buddha Allahu Akbar Amen ~ Peace and Eternal Enlightenment to ALL

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