My Дача Renovation - Channel Promo

8 months ago

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My name is Marcel - I am from Canada living in Russia. My video is mainly about the renovation of my datcha. For those who don’t know what a datcha is: it’s a country house or cottage in Russia, typically used as a holiday home. Mine in located in the Bryansk oblast region next to a small lake. Dachas are common across Russia and typically provides one with rest from being in the city. My datcha is currently undergoing a renovation which started May of 2022.

The main aspects of the renovation included the following tasks. Stripping the walls, decommission the old brick stove called a Печка. That involved moving many bricks for future use outside. Installing a septic system, waterline, natural gas installation and replacing electrical system. Adding a New roof, windows and new floor.

I bought this datcha around 2012 and enjoyed it as is for several years but now it’s time make a more permanent residence comfortable in all 4 seasons. I really wanted to find something to do that peaked my interest and doing a renovation project fit the bill. I am obligated to learn all the materials names in the Russian language and visit construction stores and markets to collect the required materials. I liaise with family and friends in Russia to get it done. It is very challenging and rewarding. No doubt I had many cuts and bruises but overcoming the difficulties keeps us alive.

My datcha should be completed this summer ready to host many family meetings barbecues. This place is my heaven on earth and I encourage you all to visit Russia to experience this cultural phenomena. I will be swimming and skating on the lake here to get away from the city. My passion is renovating and building my datcha and there are many more tasks to do outside this summer. My name is Marcel and I enjoy sending time at the Datcha.

Good bye and до сведена!

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