Obituary for Courtney Richie

1 year ago

A gf died this week, murdered by drug dealers, or medical neglect waiting in ER, or both, i could not save her, God bless. Trump calls it chemical warfare in World War 3 to overthrow USA. She only had 2 years to live after open heart surgery due to staph eating heart valve from shooting up, she almost died in prison from zero medical care, i took her to ER for immediate surgery. 550 drug murders in 2022 in Knoxville TN. Her name was Courtney Richie age 32 mother of 3, homeless sleeping outside in street despite eligible for free everything but too disabled to apply for SSI. She would not stay with me clean so i kept putting her in jail n rehab to keep her clean and keep her alive. I dropped theft charge last month for her to meet with a social worker to apply for SSI, or she would still be alive. Only a conservatirship can help ppl with dementia, thats very expensive and complicated for most addicts. I did not return her "I love you" when she called last month, I said no to her request for a ride to visit, all my money stolen by lawyers n judges, my lawyers gota go to war in 3 or 4 courts to get my money back. Died next day in bathroom waiting at ER. Today i sent her a text of her $35,000 debt to court, that she would not owe if she applied for SSI but too disabled, thats how i heard she died. Her tattoo said NEVER GIVE UP but she just wanted to die. Now she is with her parents and husband who died age 20 as a police cadet. God bless us all.

I love you too, im sorry i didnt say it after you did, im sorry i didnt pick you up when you wanted to visit, its not that i didnt want to. Rest in peace in Heaven with your husband and parents...

PS yall need to get alot more video of those you love

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