HAPPY | Subliminal Affirmations | Joy | Beta Tones

11 months ago

HAPPY | Subliminal Affirmations | Joy | Beta Tones

This video is designed to put you into a comfortable place where you feel HAPPY. It uses Beta Tones and is coupled with subliminal affirmations to improve your HAPPINESS. This happy, bright music should take you to that place of joy and relaxation.
Note that this session uses Isochronic tones
Use this session in a quiet, comfortable place, free of distraction, in a chair or lying down. After starting the session, close your eyes and relax. Headphones are not required. During the session you should remain as calm and relaxed as possible.

If you are interested to try MEDITATION you may wish to read this first: https://www.wikihow.com/Meditate

Remember: This is not a replacement for medical treatment. • If you suffer from epilepsy • Or are taking medicine or drugs, then seek advice from your medical practitioner prior to using. • If you are a pregnant woman ("But the reason we don't outrightly recommend binaural beats to pregnant women is because this natural science is yet to be evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or any other regulated governing body. So in short, we need to protect ourselves against getting sued by any pregnant woman who might claim that an unrelated pregnancy problem was related to listening to our binaural beats. It's as simple as making sure we stay on the right side of the law) • Or you have a pacemaker (electrical interference) • Or are under 16 (brains still developing...may have a seizure) • Or are prone to seizures please do not play this soundtrack.
Please note:
calm chill beautiful by teodholina
The photo is with permission from Geralt and under licence from http://pixabay.net

Affirmations for BEING HAPPY:
I am happy
I create my own space for satisfaction
I create my own happiness in my life
I am happy and satisfied
My goal is my happiness
I am happy here and now
Happiness is an attitude
I enjoy every single day
I feel wonderful today
I have peace of mind
My family makes me happy
I make myself happy


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