Florida Keys. Sunsetting. Just tell me you know this isn't real. May 2023.

1 year ago

Something funky was going on in the Keys. Still is I imagine. One day it'd be clear videoing and the next day the video would look like a cartoon. This was somewhere in the middle.
Idk how to even explain what I have observed. That "Sun" is not far from my camera. A couple hundred feet? Idk. It's so freaking unexplainable, I can't even explain it. It's like everything and everywhere is a 15 minute city. We are closed in and on. Right now we can travel, but the cities are already here. Things are getting weirder and weirder. It's building. Got to explode soon.
Here is what I've also observed. With the naked eye or binoculars, you can see "stars" twinkling red, green, and blue. The camera shows a white light. That's all. But they are evenly dispersed not far from the horizon. In a circle around me wherever I am. They are up higher up to the straight up above me. I call them RGBprojectors and they project our reality. These are the 15 min cities. It's like there are many many of them. Man, it's spooky weird. That's all I'm saying now, but check it out at first dark. There will be one big and major light that doesn't twinkle. It's not every night you can see them but check it out. Shit, I don't know where to go with this right now, so many movies have been made with snippets of the shit I'm seeing now. And that's all for now.

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