090 Sugar Man - Building The Obsidian Shacks (re-issue) > > > Subsistence

1 year ago

Sugar Man has a number of crazy adventures and misadventures in this episode. The first two Obsidian zone shacks were built in 1) Bridgepeak Pass and 2) Crestlyn Outlook. Next, the half shack that overlooks the valley stream between Hudson Mountain and Eagle Feathers Mountain was converted into a Chalet. It will now be known as the Obsidian Chalet (aka Obsidian Shack #3). The fourth Obsidian shack was built (partially so far) above the waterfalls which cascade over the rocky cliff into the small pond that is actually not far from Wolf Spawn Station, below. We need additional building materials to finish shack #s three and four.

A location for Obsidian shack five will be picked in the next video, and we will build it in Ridgeline Heights. Because we can never tell what kind of day we are going to have, we will play it by ear, but the plan will be to finish #s 3 and 4, and then build/finish Obsidian shack #5.

Gathering the new ore types is going to be a lot of fun and it will definitely get us into all kinds of crazy situations that happen 'only in Subsistence land'.

Come for the fun. Stay for the love.

God Bless!

Note: After fully uploading video 090 I noticed that my final edits were not completed. This re-issue has approx. 8 minutes of video trimmed. It was all just useless chatter and mundane housekeep footage. There is no new footage in this edit.

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