"Block Life Til The End" Freestyle by Spankdog / Instruments Engineering Editing Vocals Vol. 4

1 year ago

listen man, I told you we was coming through Basement Clique "Block Life Til The End" Freestyle by Spankdog aka Puffinstein freestyle . All instruments Played by Me Engineered and Filmed by me Vocals by Me Engineered by Me. Yes, it's your boy's first professional official edit. it took me awhile with the software but I finally figured it out. your boy made the beat on his Phantom XA then he wrote the rhymes then he engineered the track then he filmed and edited the video professionally all by himself everything the guitars the pianos the drums the snares the horns the bass all me. Let me say that again, everything all me! Not just the instruments the vocals the engineering the editing the beat production. all by Spankdog aka Puffinstein AND dudes ain't messing with me when it comes to spitting. Bushwick in the house, Ridgewood in the house, Bedford Stuyvesant in the house. you already know man, come on stop playing with me, got to be kidding me. and this is just the music aspect of it. we coming with everything Social Topics, Pop Culture, #Technology , #Collectibles #HipHop in every form of the culture MCing / Lyricism, #Breakdancing , #Graffiti , #TurntableISM . we doing #Sports , #Highlights , #Interviews #, #Clothing , #Comics , #Toys , High End trading cards and last but not least good old #MaryJane ! when are you going to learn I'm kicking that door down eventually ain't nothing stopping me. Oh yeah and did I mention, everything was done by me, 100%, all of it, everything? okay

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