Cops tackle and kidnap Autistic kid from his yard, for looking in his own windows

1 year ago

This happened about 2 years back, but it was crazy and I haven't seen it anywhere, so i figured I would share it. This guy said he was an army veteran of 21 years. his profile says he retired in 2016. Cops got a call from the neighbor saying there's a guy looking in the windows at the house next door, and he doesn't know who it is. No crime there. So the cops instead of showing uo and knocking on the door and try and figure out what's going in decide trying to get the kids id before knowing if there is a crime on not is the way to go. You could hear the officers really believed that it was ok and the right thing to do. Stuff like this happens every day all across this country, and the public needs to see it. This is for news and educational purposes. the cops had no right doing that to them and definitely violated that kids rights.


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