8 months ago

According to Ancient Hindu Sanscrit, our cosmology is cyclical, passing through 4 phases called Yugas, which just mean period of time. The first one is Satya Yuga, which is what the west would know as "The Garden of Eden". The second Yuga is called Treta, the third, Dwapara, and the last cycle is called the Kali Yuga, which is the darkest of the four, & what we are currently living through. There are all kinds of estimates of how long a full Yuga cycle lasts, but I'm going to say the time line is about 5000 years, which is approximately the age of our realm's oldest ancient texts. The Satya Yuga is the longest of the four, with Kali being the shortest. Our creator(s) designed this world on the principle of duality....east west, up down, in out, black white, and of course good evil. Without this principle, life would get pretty boring, as we are infinite beings, & thousands of years of a permanent smile would probably hurt after awhile. lol We do not die, we leave our dilapited vessels & cruise into our next host. The four Yuga eras symbolize the four phases of Man's designed, & demonic involution. During this planned & intentional devolution of Man, where we gradually, & ultimately lost our connection to the source, God, Brahma, or Allah. In our timeline, this was accomplished through brute force, mass murder, vaccines, brainwashing, mind control, & alcohol, among other methods. Kali Yuga, what we are presently living through, is a world infested with impurities, & vices. The number of people possessing noble virtues dwindles by the minute. Weaponized weather, staged hoaxes, false flags, & a completely rigged reality has put levels of fear into people that are beyond dangerous. Hinduism says it is only through these dark & frightening times, that we can find our way out of servitude.

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