What Type Of Crack Does Hunter Biden Smoke? | Ep 136

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In this episode of "Prime Time with Alex Stein," Alex does some investigative journalism, diving into what kind of crack Hunter Biden smokes! Hunter appeared on Capitol Hill today, but did not answer any questions from reporters. We are joined in studio by spina bifida baddie Lila Hart, where she weighs in on Hunter Biden’s shirtless photo. Following, we have on Richard Gage, founder of “Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth,” an organization that disputes the official 9/11 narrative. Did the twin towers fall due to controlled demolition? How did building 7 collapse? Richard Gage explains his theories to the viewers. Finally, we end the show reacting to the viral clips of the day, including Duanyay stirring the pot on Fishtank, and the Jewish tunnels in New York City. Don’t miss this episode of “Prime Time with Alex Stein”!

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