Elden Ring Dark Moon Mod Episode 1

1 year ago

I step into the Elden Ring mod scene with Dark Moon by Dylan Alexander. The first in many videos documenting my playthrough of the mod. I am going in a little blind so I don't spoil any changes I may discover along the way. Below I have links to where I first discovered the existence of the mod, and the install guide from who I believe is the creator of the mod.
Link to the creator's channel @AuramAlexander

Creator where I saw the mod first @EliteCarlosN
Link to the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y73WgVmwMSg&ab_channel=EliteCarlosN
-Elden Ring Dark Moon by Dylan Alexander
Here is a video of how to install Dark Moon
Link to the channel @AuramAlexander

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