Get The Inside Scoop On The 2024 Housing Market

8 months ago

In this short video I have prepared some helpful tips for buyers and sellers as we start off 2024. The housing market for 2024 should be a bit faster paced than what we have seen in the last 18 months or so.

Interest rates are coming down and are now in the mid - low 6's. This is a great reduction from our 8% rates just a few months ago. Our inventory is on the lower side of things and with lowering interest rates more buyers are entering the market. In just the first 9 days the market has started to shift and multiple offer scenarios are becoming a reality.

With the market speeding up home values/price will rise and current home owners can expect to see a nice equity gain this year. If you're looking to sell be ready to move fast. Contingent offers in fast paced markets become more difficult. Buyers should be prepared to put their best offer forward from the start because you might not get a 2nd negotiation attempt.

Overall this is going to be a great year to buy or sell real estate, if you're on the fence please reach out. I'd love to speak with you about your specific scenario to see how I can help you. Whether that is making the move now or in the next 3-5 years. Real estate is a great investment and it makes more millionaires than any other industry. However, some people have to move now and need to figure out a way to make the best out of the current market. And there are those that are waiting and watching for that perfect time to make their move, but the market moves in real time and without a pro keeping you updated you could miss that window. My goal is to be your #1 resource for anything real estate related.

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