10Jan24 Meet Your New Cartel Neighbors; Talking Autonomous Car; Stealing ALL Natural Resources with Derivatives; Stealing Elections

1 year ago

Public opinion crushes Biden plan to remove William Penn statue from Penn's home, and Biden relents (at least with the statue)
Meet your new neighbors — Ecuador prison breaks, cartel takes over live TV with guns on presenters.  Neighboring country reinforces border with police but don't expect Biden

UK debanking goes after rural hunting and sporting clubs with British version of Operation Chokepoint 

Consumer Electronics Show (CES) is back and VW is touting a talking car using ChatGPT.  Too bad Pontiac Firebirds are no longer made, they could call it ChatKITT.

How much money did Trump give during "pandemic" largesse? $555 BILLION to California alone.  How much did your state get?  Here's the breakdown. 
Trump comes after DeSantis for lockdowns.  Remember when Trump attacked Kemp & DeSantis for removing Fauci restrictions?
SEC Twitter account hacked and fake tweet about approving Bitcoin ETF rocks the market.  What is a Bitcoin ETF?
Davos is about to begin.  Here's who will be attending — some surprise inclusions.  But to no one's surprise "climate" alarmism will be front and center
Some of Biden appliance restrictions go into effect as GOP pays no attention.  Dishwasher restrictions are questioned by court over whether the Dept of Energy has jurisdiction over water

Breitbart, Alex Jones, and other conservative media defend Trump over Epstein.  There's ONLY 1 DEGREE OF SEPARATION BETWEEN THEM and EPSTEIN, CLINTON, and FAUCI 

INTERVIEW Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai Ballot Access is MUCH Bigger, MORE Corrupt Than What's Happening with Trump Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, Shiva4President.com, explains how completely Dems and GOP have conspired to oppose the common man participating in "democracy".  This is the REAL story of ballot & election corruption neither mainstream media nor Trump media talk about.  You won't believe what police did to one volunteer.

INTERVIEW Courtenay Turner NYSE & SEC Rolling Out NAC — Stakeholder Capitalism Where ALL Natural Resources are Rented Desc: $4 Quadrillion in assets (according to them), i.e. EVERYTHING under their control using derivatives, crony capitalism, carbon credits to enact the old UN Agenda 21 map (renamed UN 2030 Agenda) with you locked down in "Smart" 15 minute Cities and the rest of the world locked up and off limits.  Courtenay Turner, Courtenay Turner Show, joins to talk about the urgent campaign to inform people and push back against SEC approval, links below
To file your comment about Natural Asset Companies https://www.sec.gov/comments/sr-nyse-2023-09/notice-filing-proposed-rule-change-amend-nyse-listed-company-manual-adopt#no-back 
To view NAC comments https://www.sec.gov/comments/sr-nyse-2023-09/srnyse202309.htm

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