The Shocking Truth Behind Freemasonry's Alleged Ties to LUCIFER

1 year ago

Freemasons DO NOT Worship or revere Lucifer or Satan. All Masons are men of faith; in the USA most are Christian though we have many men who are Jewish or Muslim and a few of various other faiths- depending on the Grand Lodge.

The idea that Masons are connected to Lucifer comes from two basic sources: a misunderstood passage in Morals & Dogma by Albert Pike which DOES NOT say Masons worship Lucifer as the Light-Bearer. It rather specifically says that Lucifer brings FALSE light and feeble-minded people can be controlled by it.

Secondly, the idea comes from the writings of the Leo Taxil, a French writer who hoaxed Freemasonry and the Catholic Church as part of a personal vendetta. His works are often directly quoted by people who are opposed to Freemasonry, without realizing that Taxil CONFESSED to the entire thing being a hoax!

It is called "The Lie That Will Not Die"- the connection between Freemasonry & Lucifer "the light bearer".

In this video, host Maynard Edwards 33° & author/ scholar Dr. S. Brent Morris, 33° Grand Cross, discuss the connection and the story behind it.

To read "The Lie That will not die" click

To read a translation of the Taxil confession click here:

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