Everything the left touches turns to…

9 months ago

The left create excrement from everything they touch, it follows them and clings to them like dust and dirt around Charlie Brown’s friend, Linus.

The left perambulate in a swirl of whirling turds that land on everyone and everything that is around them.

Our public school system is like our President, decrepit, failing, offensive and corrupt.

As with our president, merit has been deemed unnecessary, superfluous and tarred with the thread-bare epitaph…Racist.

Our borders are wide open and millions of low skilled foreigners —some number of terrorists and criminals among them—continue to pour across our borders. They stress our schools and social safety net, depress our wages for working class Americans and have brought with them diseases that have never been seen in our country.

The left does not want Joe to step aside because he is demented and corrupt, they want him to go because they fear that he can’t win.

This is pristine ruthlessness animated solely by a thirst for power and control.

When you’re attacked by a destructive force, it is right and sensible to use every means at your disposal to rid yourself of it.

We must match the progressive’s ruthlessness and get their hands off of us, because everything the left touches , it destroys.

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