1 year ago

We are Energy beings that are born & thrive in an Electro-Magnetic Energetic Environment
The Earth & its ionosphere is a giant resonator, the cavity of which is filled with an Electrically conductive medium that affects all Life.
"Our planet, had a pulse.
A measurable Frequency embedded in ALL Life on Earth.

The pulse of the Earth, Schumann Resonance, wasn't just similar to the Alpha Waves of the human brain, it's identical.

The brain's Frequency which controls our creativity, our performance, stress, anxiety & IMMUNE SYSTEM, had somehow tuned into the Frequency of the planet.
The pulse of the Earth, became the pulse of all Life itself"

The Schumann resonance signals, the natural ElectroMagnetic patterns of the Earth, act like a tuning fork not just for the biological oscillators of the brain, but for absolutely ALL Life on Earth.
99.9% of $cience is brainwashed to believe our MAGnetIC Field comes from the Earth's core.
It doesn't. It's Cosmic Magnetic Induction caused by the Sun, and every and every single cell in our body is wirelessly plugged into it.

And people wonder why sun worship is so prevalent amongst ancient & CURRENT civilizations…

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