He held a reporter at gunpoint to warn us about aliens taking over Earth | Gary Stollman

1 year ago

In 1987, a man named Gary Stollman held reporter David Hororiwitz at gunpoint and forced him to read a manifesto about an alien takeover happening behind the scenes. Stollman claimed a race of aliens was working with corrupt elements in our government to create clones, or doubles, of people. He claimed his father and many others had been replaced by lookalikes. This reptilian race of aliens wanted to take over our society.

In 2016, a similar event happened when Marine Kyle Odom ambushed pastor Tim Remington in Idaho and shot him 6 times because he claimed Remington was part of a reptilian race of aliens who were enslaving humans. Remington survived and was elected to the Idaho House of Representatives. Odom was a former Phd student and his manifesto includes many scientific details, including how the works of Nikola Tesla explain the alien's ability to remain hidden from humans.

Kyle Odom manifesto: https://archive.org/details/odom-manifesto/page/n1/mode/1up

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